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<< 2021-01-14 >>
Place Nat Name and surname Points
1 IT Duccio Marsili 10
ES Patxi Peula Cabello 10
3 PT Diogo Marreiros 9
IT Andrea Angelett 9
5 DE Felix Rijhnen 8
IT Andrea Bighin 8
7 PT Miguel Bravo 7
IT Paolo Silva 7
9 IT Matteo Barison 6
PT David Pedro 6
11 DE Sebastian Mirsch 5
IT Alessio Brotto 5
LI Harald Gopp 5
14 AT Leonard Kampfer 4
AT Jakob Ulreich 4
IT Daniele Di Dio Trebastoni 4
17 AT Christian Kromoser 3
IT Emanuele Serena 3
AT Marvin Sacher 3
AT Christian Habesohn 2
PT Antonia Edgar Freitas 2
23 BE Tim Sibiet 1
IT Alessio Piergigli 1
AT Bruno Frei 1
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